We are working towards complying with Priority 3 (AAA) of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. We are continually making improvements to meet these guidelines, and our website has been designed with the following accessibility guidelines in mind.

For an automated evaluation of the accessibility of a web page, you can use the WAVE accessibility tool. Currently, WAVE cannot tell you if your web content is accessible, no automated tool can. Only a human can determine accessibility.

• Our pages are designed so that they can be viewed at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and higher.

• Page structure is conveyed using header elements.

A stylesheet is used on our website and relative font sizes on all text with the exception of graphical text.

Text can be increased or decreased in size by using the "view" option in your browser.

Images that convey important information have alternative text. Where an image is used for a decorative purpose the alternative text will be left blank.

Media Web media such as Adobe Flash, Video and Music, are not essential elements to the functionality of our site. For the best browsing experience it is recommended to install the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player.

Colour No information is exclusively conveyed using colour. All text appears in high contrast colours for easy readability.

Site Map A site map is available to provide information about the layout and structure of information within the website.

Downloading pdfs documents
To read PDF documents with a screen reader please link to the Access Adobe website which provides useful tools and resources. Adobe also has a free online conversion tool for pdfs

Browser Compatability
Our website is specifically designed to be viewed on the most popular web browsers including:
• Internet Explorer 8
• Internet Explorer 7
• Internet Explorer 6 
• Firefox 3 (Mac OSX, Windows)
• Google Chrome
• Safari 3 (Mac OSX, Windows, Apple iPhone)
This covers approximately 97% of all internet users*, if you are viewing this website in a browser other than one of those listed above, we highly recommend that you upgrade your browser to one listed for both functionality and security reasons. 
If you have any issues viewing our site using these browsers, please contact us.

Further information
•To learn more about web accessibility visit the RNIB Web Access Centre 
Screen Readers
Our website has been designed and built to function easily with web screen readers. We are currently recommending the use of 'Browsealoud'. For more information about Browseaload, how to use it, or how to install it please visit the Browsealoud support pages.

•To obtain a copy of the screen reader Browsealoud for Windows.
•To obtain a copy of the screen reader Browsealoud for Mac.
Other screen readers are also available
•To obtain a copy of the  screen reader JAWS click here

Get in touch
If you have difficulty accessing the site or have any comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

* Browser statistics taken from www.w3schools.com/browsers, circa 2009.